Smashwords’ Site-Wide Promotion: Get Alianne Donnelly’s The Royal Wizard at a 75% Discount!

During Smashwords’ site-wide July promotion, from 1 to 31 July, you can get Alianne Donnelly’s The Royal Wizard at a whopping 75% discount using the code SSW75 on check-out. Grab it while it’s hot!

TRWThe kingdom of Wilderheim stands bastion between the world of humans and the Otherlands. It is ruled as much by people as it is by creatures Other and as such, it must always have a wizard at the right hand of its king. Nico has seen three generations of rulers sit the throne; he knows he will not see the fourth. Desperate to find a worthy apprentice, when Nia appears like a godsend in his path he wastes no time taking her under his wing as his last sworn duty to the young king Saeran.

But Nia and Saeran have many trials ahead of them. With destinies converging toward an inevitable battle for power, countless lives hang in the balance, including theirs. As love brings them together, so strife tears them apart and as the balance between justice and magic shifts, the royal wizard and her king get caught in a maelstrom of colliding forces. Nothing is ever as it seems with a trickster hiding in the shadows. When the gods begin to play, mortals tremble…

New Adult appropriate.

AlyDAlianne is an avid lover of stories of all kinds. Having grown up with fairy tales in a place where it almost seemed they were real, it was no surprise when she began making up her own stories. She loves books, music, hiking and archery, and won’t shy away from travel and zip lining. Alianne graduated with a business degree and, when she’s not off in the land of fantasy, she lives in California.


Follow Alianne online:

Twitter: @AlianneDonnelly

About Vanessa Finaughty Fantasy Books

Vanessa Finaughty is a fantasy author whose books will introduce you to magical new beings, intense characters and high adventure. She will take you to exciting new worlds, and make you see this one through different eyes. To start you off, get Book 1 in her series for free!
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